its no secret that my coping mechanism is Margiela, anything MMM makes my hopeful and makes me breathe a little bit more enthusiastic!
i've been eyeing this shoes for ages, but i've never found them in my size nor price… but i was [online] window shopping on TheRealReal when this came to my attention! i have a friend who lives in the US [because some time ago they stopped shipping to Mexico and i've seen many amazing things go to other people's homes because i couldn't click buy!] but somehow as i was adding her address i realized they shipped to Mx and i just gave it a go! because this item was in their San Francisco houseware they couldn't ship it because CORONAVIRUS! [Cardi B style] but i finally got a notification that they were on their way and they came in less than 3 days! 3 DAYS!!! my heart was immediately lifted and now i'm only mourning to the dollar-peso exchange… let's see how this one ends.
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