Every year around this time, the crispiness in the air and the longer nights make me quite nostalgic.
There's something in the changing times that puts many things under a different perspective time and time again… Questioning and answering without second thoughts is a new dynamic in my book.
Anyways, talking about nostalgia, how many years will i need to go by until i get sick of these Burberry creepers!? there's something about them that go hand in hand with this season!
In all honesty, i needed to pair this pieces together but my hair was getting in the way [my OCD mind and how i envision looks] but i was fairly surprised in how many people [yes, i do have human interaction in real life] told me how much they liked this new 'Lizzie' and all i've done lately is complaint about how much this new hair is not exactly what i wanted [you know, casual Snapchat rants…] and for the first time, external confirmation made my inner confrontation face a peaceful end.

[HM wool hat + Hermès bandana twilly + MAC Lady Be Good liquid retro matte + HM navy vest + Zara stripped top + American Eagle Outfitters patched jeans + Fendi by the way bag + Loewe knot charms + Burberry Prorsum creepers]
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