escape: to run away, to avoid facing what's upon one's fait.
in life, i am a master of avoiding feelings, so denial is my speciality when it comes to sentiments.
however, i've been trying to keep in constant test my ability to work on verbalizing my inner fears and desires… easier said than done tho.
lately my uniform has consisted on some kind of bluejeanswhiteshirt combo… but me being me, i always seek for that twist that makes the look not so boringly basic in my opinion.
the sales have been amazing this season, and i have been stocking up in staples for my everyday life; i can't be looking like the lost child from a horror movie at work, so this is me trying to be comfy-chic polished without being overdone.

can you spot the bee!? i somehow managed to finish this shoot, go and get something to eat and as i headed out the place found her in my shirt, panicked and got her safely away from me… it's so shocking to see her and do the math from this pics #funfact

[Zara shirt + Hermès CDC + Sally Hansen polish in All Bark + HM boyfriend jeans + Loewe puzzle bag and knot charm + PRADA heel sandals]
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