it may feel like old news that pale blue and baby pink were the Pantone's choice for 2016th color of the year coined as Serenity and Rose Quartz, respectively; however, as we find ourselves right in the beginning of the second semester, i am feeling this combo extremely palette cleansing from my usual non-girly attires.
i wonder at times if you, dear reader, find my matchy-matchy efforts kind of ridiculously fun! i do!!! at times i feel like i couldn't have found a better place to shoot my ootd's… but this time i had this dress and pumps combo since last year during the HM sale in my mind, but i couldn't come up with a way to make it outstanding enough to post about it until i saw this house at a random location and felt it was meant to be! very late 60's, but with the modern take, with the neoprene material of the dress and the classic pump and it's heel! bringing it all together with the pom pom!

[Maybelline duo-chrome color tattoo in 'mauve crush' as eyeliner + HM baby blue neoprene dress + Dior vernis in porcelaine + Fendi petite 2jours in grey with the multi-colored pom pom + Maison Martin Margiela SS13 flat heel pumps]
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