as with every shoe i own, the story… the struggle has been real!!!
first i won them on eBay and payed for them, they were in my size, and they never arrived.
the seller never responded any question i asked and i felt devastated.
Luckily the gods at eBay sent me my money back and i was back on the hunt.
a couple of months back found them at therealreal.com and bought them,
although they were not my size, i was determined. i needed them.
went with the process and all until a terribly sad mail landed on my inbox…
'sorry but we no longer ship to Mexico, unless you have an US address,
we will have to send you the money back' i cancelled the order and went to cry myself to sleep.
a friend recently asked me if i wanted anything from 'merica, and i said 'your address'
quite creepy, but i was in desperado! she didn't ask anything, but as soon as she landed to her
destination, she snapped me my haulage and voila! a month after her departure i am finally reunited
because we were meant to be. we will be inseparable this upcoming season, i can feel it.
i feel us. [my life feels in control when my outfit matches my socks.]

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