you know how old you've got [i'm 25 and 3 gray hairs in sight] when weather is your main conversation starter…
it ain't new new's here, but i've got a real obsession with white shirts that have a twist in them…
for me, white button ups are such a staple in my wardrobe, best ones are from the men's dept.
in summer, white crisp shirts and white cotton jeans are so pure and fresh, they go hand in hand…
as i was in the tale, ready to pay for my sale loot, and i saw this shirt hanging, begging me to take it home…
it was in the men's section, had second thoughts and then i confirmed it. we were meant to be.

[PRADA rimless sunglasses + Zara Man mixed poplin shirt + Zara white skinny jeans + BALENCIAGA boat wedges]
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