when people ask me what my job is, i don't know what to answer, even if my work is clear to me.
as a trained industrial designer, i have the knowledge to develop products.
and i never had the desire to work in the fashion industry, until i got the chance to be in the backstage
of collection development with the brands you see in the glossy pages of fashion mags.
i wont ever forget the day i got to work with MARNI's team… and met Consuelo.
i am not going to lie, i was somehow heartbroken.
i preferred to see the pieces in the beautiful store than to see the process…
and believe me, i love processes. but it was like knowing santa was not real.
when this collection came i was in love of the shoes. they were a cool twist…
something MARNI has very clear is that her woman is a girl who's on the go and cool.
it took me a while to heal my wounds [i am such a drama queen when it comes to fashion…]
but i never stopped loving these shoes, i guess i am a fangirl and i admire Consuelo's team.
bravo for the guy who designs the footwear, i remember i felt like i met my idol. LOL

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