the value of a blog is directly related to it's commercial success
if the clothes and shoes are sold due to the advertising, it's a win!
however, things here have sailed in a different direction finding it's own stream
as a trained designer and fashion historian, i've kinda seen it all
[working on archives made me reach a point of over-saturation that's hard to get over]
and those pieces that really create a reaction in me, have become obsessions
as i look back to the last 10 years in shoe design, i've acquired some of the top ones
these for instance, took us all by surprise. such a classic shoe paired with such a irreverent sole
my mother [she always has the best ways to describe my footwear] said it looked like i stepped
over some child's play-dough… i couldn't agree more.

Just kidding! they are both mine
A tangible proof of my personality disorder, or the Gemini in me… after all, it's the season!!!
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