first of all, yeez! i am still overwhelmed for the response the previous post had!
[even Inge Grognard gave her seal of approval! #fangirlmoment]
it was fun, crazy and i wont lie, i had everything planned for months…
running this thing [blog] by my self, makes it quite challenging at times,
so it is amazing to see people enjoying the work i put into every entry!
sometimes, like in today's case, there is less prepping and twists
[the last one i wore out, without the paint on the face… just a simple flick]
in this set of pics, there's evidence of me trying to keep it casual and simple.
but as my mother mentioned right before i headed out the door
'pumps are sexy and you can't never go wrong… and then, there are your shoes.'
thanks mom, i understand now why i'm single and the 14th will be filled with documentaries…

[Maison Martin Margiela FW 11 twisted ear hoop + MAC bronze shimmer lipstick + HM conscious sweater + MMM ring + Skagen watch + MAC Soiree studio nail polish + MMM leather pants + Margiela ellipse pumps]
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