my holy grail foundation is this.
i have some tips for you girls who dont feel like spending lots of cash on trying foundations
if i love Sephora is because that's what they have the best policy on. SAMPLE
the thing is, they know their products are good and everybody is different
so it's better for you to try things than buying it and returning it [they destroy them, so WASTE]
in this path of accepting i am pale, and yellow toned. so most of them are:
not too pale, too pink, too orange… not perfect.
i have normal-oily skin, so i hate looking 'glowy' but i love the look of 'skin' and not cakey.
i know, i ask for too much… but Bobbi, oh Bobbi. you know your girls!
this looks good right after i put it on. but it looks 'better' when the day is over…
i don't get it. but i love it…

[Bobbi Brown long-wear even finish foundation in porcelain 0 + travel flat foundation brush]
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