because this is the time when mass media merges with niche
how do i feel about it, some ask…
if i like it, i take it. at the end of the day, im a 90's child.
porque esta es la época en que lo masivo se encuentra con lo nicho
como me siento al respecto, algunos preguntan…
si me gusta, lo hago propio. al final del dia soy de los 90's.
and because this is a haul in disguise… i am this - - close to become a VIB rouge.
i was a happy camper when this was my 500 point perk… not bad at all!!!
god bless Sephora!
[Girl by Pharrell for CDG + Christian Louboutin nail polish + Marc Jacobs Kiss Pop in Crush and Pop-arazzi + Buxom's gift set + CR book]
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