as a nail polish junkie [yes, i may have one too many…] being able to find good quality formulas that
don't make my nails go yellow and thin is the key element and why i'm such a snob.
the cool thing about the Sephora's Formula X polishes is that they are high quality and inexpensive
plus, they come as a system with the full manicure pampering set.
with more than 200 shades and finishes to choose the problem here is to decide…
como amante de los esmaltes [si, puede ser que que tenga demás…] encontrar formulas de calidad
que no me hagan mis uñas amarillas y delgadas es la clave y el porque soy tan snob.
lo padre de la linea de Formula X de Sephora es que son buenísimas y no caras
ademas, existe también el sistema con todo el set de manicura profesional…
llegan a México aprox 100 colores y efectos para escoger! soy fan.

Whitte Matter + DRAMATIC + Dark Matter
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