being attracted to something [or someone] is due to a pleasant or repulsive initial reaction that quickly
evolves into a love/hate relationship… is it normal or just me?
sentir atracción por algo [o alguien[ sucede por la reacción inicial placentera o repulsiva que pronto evoluciona a una relación amor y odio… es normal o solo a mi me pasa así?

it may be true that my closet stores interesting pieces, they were not the product of love at first sight…
it is quite natural for me to overthink and overanalyse e.very.thing,
but i'm trying to kill that old habit of mine; but that b*tch is hard to die…
si bien mi closet alberga piezas interesantes, no fueron amor a primera vista…
me sale muy natural sobre-pensar y sobre-analizar,
estamos en el proceso de dejar esas malas mañas atrás; no esta tan fácil…
[vintage MOSCHINO trompe-l'oeil shirt + Dior Manicure Transat in Sailor + MMM cotton bag + Alexander McQueen x Puma khomus sneakers]
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