there are countless areas where we can get away with whatever we do and it will be ok,
because we are girls; boys, i feel for you.
but honestly, the amount of wrong preconceived ideas about mens liberty [and not anarchy, there's a fine line you people] when it comes to apparel is sad… its not that much of a big deal in color anymore, but shapes and cuts is quite narrow; women also have limitants, but that's just a matter of personality and cultural scenery… i think.
and i am rambling… well, in this case it doesn't matter if i am wearing a dropped crotch pants that make me look like i have diapers on; ok many people find it mind disturbing but its pink and my shoes have bows, its not that bad after all… even though for me pairing opposites that belong in my head together, is what makes it more obscene.
even though i am just wearing this because all my lazy [real lazy] clothes were dirty…
this is my fancy lazy Lizzie.
lo bueno de ser mujer es la libertad que tenemos siempre…
es inmensa la cantidad de cosas que podemos hacer y salirnos con la nuestra y esta bien porque somos
mujeres; niños, lo siento.
pero la cantidad de tabúes y prejuicios que rodean a la libertad [sin llegar al libertinaje, hay una linea delgada] en cuanto a vestimenta para hombre es increíble… independientemente de los colores, las formas y cortes es muy restringida; las mujeres tambien tenemos limitantes, pero eso solo es cuestión de personalidad y entorno cultural… creo.
dejando de cantinflear y dar vueltas sin concretar, no importa que traiga el pantalon con el tiro tan bajo que parece pañal y ok, a mucha gente le causa conflicto, pero al ver que es rosa y mis zapatos son tan femeninos que el moño hace que no exista tanta obscenidad… aunque para mi eso es lo grosero, los opuestos que pertenecen juntos.
aunque en realidad esto es lo que me puse para andar en ropa de flojera pero no usar pants… [estaban todos sucios]

this shoes are OLD!!! got them around 05 in aims to channel my inner girl…
that sort of happened, but i paired them with rock t's and it was before the whole emo thing was a thing
today they might have seen their end, Ella detached the bows and chew the strap from the back…
i love her! she could have killed a pair of Chanel's but she preferred these.
[Massimo Dutti blouse + Isabel Marant dropped crotch pants + Target Go Max flats]
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