somehow, this looked terrible on me… the proportions where all wrong, but the only thing i could think of was 'utility'…
my pup has been sick all week and i cant be wearing all cute clothes and shoes if i have to run to the doc or to check on her while i am at work… tough week this has been.
de alguna manera, esto se veia terrible… las proporciones eran erróneas, pero lo unico que podia pensar era en utilidad…
mi cachorrita ha estado enferma toda la semana y no puedo usar ropa y zapatos lindos si tengo que correr de un lado a otro entre doctor y trabajo… ha sido una semana pesada.

its terrible, all my clothes are filled with fluff,
but she's been cold and we have to carry her blanket+bed+sweaters everywhere…
before i was all ew about this, now i feel very condescendent… motherhood.
es terrible, toda mi ropa esta llena de pelusa,
pero tiene frio y cargamos con sus cobijas+cama+suéteres a todos lados…
antes me desesperaba tanto eso, ahora soy tan condescendiente… la maternidad.
[ps: that's a smile from me to my child waiting in the car while i take this pics… she's too cute]
ok, to the clothes…
this sweater, looks like if it was ruined;
which is good when her claws actually ruin my clothes because we struggle to get her to swallow her meds…
[5dpi pixelated glasses + Maison Martin Margiela ruined cardigan and cone heel boots + YSL t-shirt + Stella McCartney for Adidas pants]
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