im not going to lie… for me there's nothing more exiting than to be surrounded by inspiring pieces…
when i was in Paris i was lucky [yes, super lucky i almost cry] to see this exhibition…
i went there twice… and got goosebumps each time i stood infront of my favorite pieces…
i remember this people criticizing his work… and all i thought was 'iggggnoraaaaaaant'
OF COURSE not all of this pieces are prêt-à-porter… common! you are at a museum!
and… he is a conceptualist! a visionaire!
and… he is a conceptualist! a visionaire!
there was some brochures explaining each collection… his process!!!
they are filled with thoughts and evolution throughout the concept…
they are filled with thoughts and evolution throughout the concept…

this dress was his first shown piece… from his school project…
dipped in mud…

PAPER DRESS… need i say more?
oh yes, it can be worn because its a texiled-paper…
and takes as main inspiration the mail envelope…

ok, this is the collection that introduced me to his work…
i was really young… 10 years old!
i remember that was the moment i knew i loved fashion…

this collection was 'incroyable'…
sculpted 'clothes' that look like if the wind was blowing up the fabric…
loved to see displayed the molds… that shows how professional his work is…
actually he 'continued' this concept with the sneakers he did for PUMA… [im on the hunt for a pair]

and because i insist… i was homesick…
so when i read 'mexico' i went nostalgic…
but proud because that was his vision on my country…
which i cant digress…

note: iphone pics… and sorry for the me reflected on the glass…
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