everything i am…
to be a young mexican girl who has travelled all across the globe by herself in pursue of her dream…
to come from the family that nurtured and raised me…
to have lived everything… from 'good' to 'bad' and know the difference…
to be lucky enough for crossing paths with the people i've met and learned from…
to be aware and awake…
and many more things…
i believe i've never felt this way before… and i am not sure if i'll ever feel this way again…
the only thing i know for sure is that i feel this way now and that i'll never forget…
this pics where taken by the most amazing woman i met here in Paris… GG…
she took me to the Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine to show me the terrace… and another side of the city… she asked for my camera and started taking the pics…

this one is by me… yes, when u are away from home anything that relates to your country brings this weird proudness feeling to bloom… and this was a lovely way to showcase my provenance… away from the 'ay pepito' and the 'sombrero with tequila' or 'cancun' even the famous and overpriced/over rated 'Corona's' beer… well actually i cant complain… i now understand what makes Mexico so 'exotique' for the parisian eye… its the boldness and embrace-ness of the culture… the bonanza we have… in every kind of way… 
and yes… im sporting my french tan… u can tell the difference between the hand and the leg… aw to be in Boisbuchet again…YSL tshirt + isabel Marant trousers + JustCavalli Bag
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