ok, onto the object·du·jour... actually i think this week will be flooded with that because yes, im packing my bags... but things are done consciously and not left till the last min.
i've always held a special place in my heart to puma... im not sure when it started but i do love their stuff... good decent quality + great design collabs + cheap price [or maybe i just have luck and score things with low·budget... yes thats the reason ;D ]
as u might [not] know, im a designer [or so i've self·proclaimed] and since a quite young age i was immerse in this aesthetic world... blame it on my parents obsession with decor magazines [thank you very much] and i was no stranger to this chair... in fact, i even thought Charles was my role·model... now everything has changed, however i do admire what he did along with his wife... cute partnership... totally adequate for their time... yet now those pieces are so 'simple' and 'clean' that they've transcend into classic pieces... they are more now 'ultraexpensivecollectables' but still i believe one day... one day...
in the mean time, i only can afford to travel in style [yes i stole that line from Marc Jacobs in his interview for the latest Louis Vuitton campaign... and no, i am not talking about LV monogramed trunk-cases... not yet] with puma... so i will introduce u my companion for this journey im about to do...

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