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Highs + Lows [and·everything·in·between]

personally, i enjoy simplicity... my mind is saturated with personal·introspection + deep·questioning·about·existence + random·thoughts + intelectual·shit + daily·visual·overload + stupid·fears + to·do·lists + dead·lines + many·more... daily·info·to·keep·updated/inspired
for me, investigation is a need... more than a pleasure... i hate to feel uniformed... i am the typical nerd who prefers to spend a day reading [maybe not books, im not that extreeeme... maybe Vogue, National 
Geographic, a webpage, something informational] than going out... not that i try to be a pose as a i-know-it-all kind of female, but its for myself... or so i used to believe so... 
it wasnt until a couple of months ago i decided i should share... if there's something i love about the internet is freedom... the facility to find information that before was out-of-question out-of-reach for us mortals, [who could experience (if you werent privileged to be invited) the lovely out-of-the-oven pictures of a 5·min·ago fashion-show(not to mention the chance to experience visually/virtually the scene... the jackandjill/satorialist kind of eye-drool-porn) ]... i mean you can do it all if you know where to look...
after i understood that not many of us know where to look, but we want to know; i decided that if many spend time surfing the net [love this weird term] at Facebook, (few of us took the limp of fate on twitter...) i knew what my next move was... share instantly the information that i find worthy of... randomly... via Facebook for all of those who wanted to do so... its the freedom, if Mahoma couldnt make it to the mountain, let the mountain get to Mahoma... or something like that...
im not sure if many enjoy or share my view, but i do enjoy to know that maybe, even a little, someone somewhere find it useful... like a fresh breath... or so i hope...
when it comes to my twitter, i was not very keen with what i was doing... there was a pure visceral reflection of my on-the-spot emotions... not a very good thing sometimes... i felt uncomfortable to read the non-sense that was transmitted in less than 140 characters... because i mean, your personal space [any of it; house, room, car, locker, school-desk, work-desk...] is a showcase of your yearnings, fears, desires, frustrations, achievements... and i believe there are things that create an impact that should be considered twice before we put them out there... i mean come-on! they are not a diary, they are called social-media... they are meant to be your personal portfolio for the out-world... 
so, from now on, i will share more openly my inner self... in a simplistic, easy-to-digest way for all of us to understand other peoples view based on their experiences... leaving judgmental thoughts out and letting only in our ability to observe the context where all those situations occurred... im talking about a perfect world!!! 
['from all things said previously, ignore them all, tear them down, and build your own criteria...' that's not my quote... those are words by a good friend of mine ;D ]
[im surrounded by the most wise people and i enjoy every time we met... Ü ]


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