In case you missed me Ü and wondered 'what is going on with her?' well my most sincere apologies... this is where i've been as·of·late [+a·couple·of·visits·to·the·dentist] but everything is fine... cool news to share but give me some time to even digest it properly...
i introduce to you my office Ü
[yes it is my room, yes i still live with my folks, yes i have no salary, and yes i feel comfortable as i can procrastinate on twitter during the day and working intensely during midnight and yes i love it, somehow my mind·thoughts flow better that way]

this is what i've been smelling like lately ... its from GAP... and yes i fell for it and yes some think it smells like man... and yes i love androgyny a·lot!
[remember the 90's CKone? i was really young [as in not even 10] and that was my scent ü]

and i found this cool übercool·überbig·überkindergardenagedlegoblocks to be perfect for storing my cables... and i got this shoekeychain that IF given to me year [well maybe even months] i would have had a heart·attack BUT because now i am a super conscious person i thought 'huh this person is so considered and appreciates my love for shoes! oh! thank you c:' so yes... its pink and i like it
[its a process to assimilate colors into my life again that neon is the BIG thing now and i love it ü]

whoa! Ö it lights up!
[i love the graphic of USB extruded]

this thought·card is going to a frame...

AND its essential for me to go rummaging through flea markets... honestly it relaxes me SO·VERY·MUCHO because what i say to myself
[since a day i was after a chanel·bag or another vintage·dior·man·sweater i realized i was not going to find it that speciphic day, i had to let it flow]
'let yourself be mezmerized' and guess what! sometimes it does not takes even 2min and i find cool stuff...

a GIORGIO ARMANI vest·top maybe 90's? i'm not sure if it belonged to a dress... i know nothing...but it is beautifully·carefully constructed...
and cute+sexy jijiji [giggle]

AND yes... i'm still a germ·freak...
a cow·continuously·chewing·gum person...
[better packaging TRIDENT!!! good job[almost·there]]

AND yes! i'm a vanilla·scent·lover...
my mom hates this sugary·übersweet·dizzy smell but... it's just so relaxing for me...

AND yes... lets dont forget beauty essentials!

AND yes! [this will be my new phrase] it just fell off!!! i should have known! it was too heave for just a pair of plastic·succion·thing well... better start nailing... bie
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