A very cool day... the day after my b*day... which brings me to say... this blog has 2 years now!!! its cool to receive comments... by the way i`m sorry to have had my comment section off for too long (i changed those setings after a lovely e-mail from Dan who let me know that i had the off... that explained the reason i allways got messages not comment hahaha stupid me...) so please feel free to comment... and because i am super curious, i would like to know how is it that u found my blog... if it was lookbook... or a link... i wanna know...
this outfit is inspired in Dolce&Gabbanna 2010... with items that i have had from ages ago in my closet (or my sisters c:)

top: way too old Zara, from my wanna-be Avril Lavigne days... u do the math...
skirt: size 9 children`s place... my sisters hahaha
shoes: Wanna-be Louboutins Zara booties...
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