i have a serious addiction to sunglasses... and it is because me as an industrial designer and fashion lover
find them as the perfect piece that has a lot of industrial design and fashion thought... the details that
make a pair of sunglasses unique... i love it but... my mom pointed out some while ago that i spent too
much on sunnies and not in shoes or other "important" garments... so i had promised her that i would
stop buying sunnies... i had already enough... and i kept that promise... till this day that i was walking
through marshalls... yeap marshalls... and i just wanted to take a look at what they had got for sunnies...
my jaw opened and hit the floor... 2 perfectly coveted for ages by me... Chloe sunglasses... WTF??? are
they real? yeap they are... how much are they??? WWTTTTFFF??? u gotta be kidding me... ok i want
them... and so my promise as now been forgotten... my mom approved it hahahahahaha who can say no
to CHLOE!!!!


ohhh and i got this purse its a Calderon for Anne Klein when Donna Karan worked there... its in perfect
state... it cost me nothing! leather and ohhh the long chain has details that i loved... and the Chloe´s... too
bad it doesnt show better but it has some great details...

ohhh i loved this watch by Philippe Starck... ind.designer who declared the death of design... and i
couldn't agree more
its true we are OBJECTIFIED (loved this documental... the first industrial design documental) and
sometimes u wonder do i need another pair of shoes or any vain use less object... but the truth is
sometimes its not just the physical use that counts... its the emotional value of things... the thing here is
that design has to help now the existing needs not create them... me as a ID want to do humanitarian
design... and i am so thankful to have Alberto Villareal (great mexican ID who worked with many
important labels but now he has got the Emily Pilloton PROJECT H DESIGN to develop the same
concept but here in Mexico as a link ) as my main inspiration to make a change here where i live...
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