my jewels... and p bottles... just playing around... have some more for latter

vintage necklaces...

vintage rings... the first one was a find by my grand mother at a garage sell on San Diego Cali... the one
in the middle a gift from an aunt and the last one my mom got it from my gramma and it says something
as 18something très vintage

hte fist ring is old cant remember where i got it... the other 2 seem as if real but they are plastic and cost
me around $3 pesooos which is like 20 dollar cents kindda... and the last one is a typical mexican silver

left: gift for my 18th bday from grandparents... they are 2 and u can wear them as u please... middle: a
earing turned into a ring... right: school ring that belonged to an uncle... shhhhhhh

channeling CHANEL FW09... ring: MOSCHINO clutch: CHANEL green nail polish: ????

my mom wants to start a perfume bottle collection... the kinds that have this kind of sprayers... Britney
Spears Curious perfume... not a remarkable sent... cocktail rings... my moms...

Angelique de Paris bracelet, and rings... pearled earing... ??? MOSCHINO perfume and ring

i get upset just by knowing that there is a cutter bottle of this fragance... but Whateveer!!!! Angelique de
paris, Emporio Armani and Vintage rings

this scent is not my favorite... but... there is something i like... left ring... is amazing! it has some little
black shiny stones that come and go... love it! the dragonfly ones are mexican silver from Zacatecas

yummy yummy yummy looooooove this scent!!!!! my moms coctail rings... such beautiful details and


because its name is TRIBU as tribe... i wanted to simulate the rings that this women in africa, thailand,
and birmania tribes place around their necks to elongate them...
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